统计研究 ›› 2023, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 37-50.doi: 10.19343/j.cnki.11–1302/c.2023.05.003

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李小克 胡巧丽   

  • 出版日期:2023-05-25 发布日期:2023-05-25

A Study of Transnational Convergence and Influencing Factors of TFP Growth: From the Perspective of Biased Technological Change

Li Xiaoke Hu Qiaoli   

  • Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-05-25

摘要: 偏向性技术进步代表技术进步的一般形态,然而,鲜有文献从偏向性技术进步视角分析全要素生产率(TFP)演变的特征及其来源。本文基于标准化要素增强型CES生产函数,使用跨国层面的数据系统考察了偏向性技术进步视角下TFP增长的收敛性及其影响因素。研究发现,第一,国家间技术进步表现出明显的要素偏向,不同类型国家间偏向性技术进步情境下,TFP增长大致以1999年为界,其平均离散程度呈现先缩小后扩大趋势。第二,不同类型国家皆表现出明显的绝对β收敛,发达国家在整个样本期间始终保持条件β收敛态势,资本偏向性技术进步国家的TFP增长经历了先发散后向自身稳态水平靠近的演变阶段,而劳动偏向性技术进步国家的TFP演变趋势与之相反,这与长期依赖资本投入驱动产生的负面效应日益凸显有关。与同比增长率法相比,本文使用几何平均增长率法计算的TFP增长率降低了生产率波动对收敛检验结果的影响,其条件β收敛检验模型结果更为可靠。第三,教育水平提升、产业结构转变、要素禀赋结构优化、经济自由度提升等都有利于促进偏向性技术进步视角下TFP增长,而政府规模过度扩张引起生产率损失,该结论在考虑内生性、因变量选择性偏差和删除样本离群值后亦成立。因此,推进经济社会结构性改革对于发展中国家缩小与发达国家之间的生产率差距具有重要意义。

关键词: 偏向性技术进步, TFP增长, 要素增强型CES生产函数, 收敛分析

Abstract: Biased technological change represents the general form of technological change. However, few literatures analyze the characteristics and sources of TFP evolution from the perspective of biased technological change. Based on the CES production function of standardized factor-augmenting technological change, this paper uses the data system at the transnational level to investigate the convergence and influencing factors of TFP growth from the perspective of biased technological change. The main findings are as follows: first, technological change among countries shows obvious factor bias, and TFP growth in the context of biased technological change among different types of countries is roughly bounded by 1999. The average dispersion degree first decreases and then expands. Second, absolute β convergence is widespread in different types of countries. Developed countries maintain throughout the sample period conditional β convergence trend: the TFP growth of countries with capital biased technological change has experienced the evolution stage of first divergence and then approaching their own steady-state level, while the TFP evolution trend of countries with labor biased technological change is the contrary, which is related to the increasingly prominent negative effects driven by long-term dependence on high capital investment. Compared with the year-on-year growth rate method, the TFP growth rate calculated by the geometric average growth rate method reduces the impact of large fluctuations in productivity on the convergence test results. Thus the result of conditional β convergence test model is more reliable. Third, further research also finds that the improvement of education level, the optimization of industrial structure, the optimization of factor endowment structure and the improvement of economic freedom are conducive to the growth of TFP in the context of biased technological progress, and the excessive expansion of government scale will cause productivity loss. This conclusion is still true after considering endogeneity, the selective deviation of dependent variables and deleting sample outliers. Therefore, continuing to promote economic and social structural reform is of great significance for developing countries to narrow the productivity gap with developed countries.

Key words: Biased Technological Change, TFP Growth, Factor-Augmenting CES Production Function, Convergence